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A lovely Sunday Spring Morning Sisters and Brothers,
I can report the last Board Meeting of Life in the 21st Century was a rollicking and not very pleasant affair. The Board cast more than few disparaging comments and I can relay they wanted to close things down. I stood in your defense dear subscribers, telling the socially diverse though in no way economically representative Board, “They’re not bad people, they’re just lame marketers.”
Oh’ Sisters and Brothers, their wicked fingers then pointed accusingly at your friend and humble narrator and they jointly spewed, “You’re not even on any social media!”
I defensively replied, “I was, but I found social media a scourge, especially to my mental health or for any agreeable aesthetic. I’d rather not contribute to making Midas wealthy generations of Musks, Zuckerbergs, and Google Boys. The first generation is bad enough.”
“I still think email is best social media yet devised, which is why I like this Substack, even though they take 15% of everything, which is ridiculous. Why 30 years ago, when I got my first internet connection, it came with email, website hosting, full speed, unlimited time for $19.95. a month.”
Contemptuously they retorted, “Ok grandpa, that Net is long gone, today it’s all about Mo’ Money — Mo’ Money — Mo’ Money. You need to market and you need more paid subscribers.”
So sisters and brothers this is moving out of my hands, please spread the word. After all, if you like any of this writing, you’re by far the best advocate for new subscribers!
Just importantly, the paid subscriber base needs to expand. Again, I know this economy isn’t great for a lot of people, so if you ain’t got the money, share a post with ten of your friends, not just the other broke ones, send to some of the people you know with money!
If you have the money, a subscription is the cost of one Starbucks’ coffee a month, not much to pay for such quality entertainment and a much much better deal than what you paid for any “higher education.”
You can also gift Life in the 21st Century. What better beach reading could you provide for a friend or loved one at the beginning of summer?
And let no low bastard at any time say Costello wasn’t a Renaissance man, fully appreciative of patrons, most especially when the patronage is directed at me. You can become a Life in the 21st century Patrician, like any political title these days, it’s cheap to come by.
Finally, the biggest thanks to all readers and even more to you paid subscribers, it is greatly appreciated.